Central Pontine Myelinolysis with Extrapontine Involvement in a Case of Chronic Alcoholism without Dysnatremia
Baijaeek Sain, Sukhmani Kaur, Ananya Veenarun, Avik Roy, Ritam Chakraborty, Arpit K Saha
Keywords :
Alcohol, Case report, Central pontine myelinosis, Dyselectrolytemia
Citation Information :
Sain B, Kaur S, Veenarun A, Roy A, Chakraborty R, Saha AK. Central Pontine Myelinolysis with Extrapontine Involvement in a Case of Chronic Alcoholism without Dysnatremia. 2023; 2 (6):161-164.
Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) and extrapontine myelinolysis (EPM) are osmotic demyelination syndromes (ODS) that are predominantly found in malnourished and chronically alcoholic patients. The clinical presentation of ODS varies depending on the affected area of the brain lesion and ranges from mild tremor to locked-in syndrome, pseudobulbar palsy, encephalopathy, and paralysis. Although we frequently see patients with alcohol dependence syndrome complicated by withdrawal, CPM remains largely undetected and underreported in the literature. We describe here a chronic alcoholic patient who suffered from ODS without hypo/hypernatremia during alcohol withdrawal and eventually showed neurological recovery.
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