Indian Journal of Critical Care Case Report

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 4 ( July-August, 2024 ) > List of Articles


A Case of Drug-induced Methemoglobinemia in a Patient with Influenza

Selvam Suresh, Harpreet Singh, Tarun Narang

Keywords : Case report, Dapsone, Erythema nodosum leprosum, Methemoglobinemia

Citation Information : Suresh S, Singh H, Narang T. A Case of Drug-induced Methemoglobinemia in a Patient with Influenza. 2024; 3 (4):91-93.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11006-0120

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 21-06-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Methemoglobinemia (MetHb) is an uncommon and fatal condition. It is usually suspected when there is a discrepancy between the pulse oximetry reading and arterial blood gas analysis findings. Treatment depends on the level of MetHb and symptoms. Here, we present a case of an elderly male with lepromatous leprosy on regular therapy who developed influenza infection leading to the precipitation of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) and hypoxia due to drug-induced MetHb.

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