Citation Information :
Sharma S, Mittal G, Qamar T, Jhunjhunwala K. Untwisting an Outward Form of Nitroglycerin for Radial Artery Cannulation: A Case Report. 2024; 3 (2):51-53.
Arterial cannulation for invasive blood pressure monitoring and titration of vasopressors in patients with septic shock is a recommended practice in intensive care units. The radial artery, being superficial, easily accessible, and associated with fewer complications, makes it the first choice for invasive blood pressure monitoring. Using ultrasound increases the chances of successful cannulation on the first attempt. However, in patients with septic shock, strong sympathetic stimulation and the use of vasopressors cause severe spasms and make arterial cannulation difficult even under ultrasound guidance. We report a case of successful radial artery cannulation in the first pass using intra-arterial nitroglycerin in a 24-year-old female admitted with septic shock and on high doses of dual vasopressors.
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